Gifted & Talented

Gifted and Talented (Extended Learning Program)



Hope Elementary has the best interests of the individual child at its core.  The intention is to determine what a child knows and is able to do and then to provide the necessary support for the child to progress to new skills and concepts.  For children who have already mastered the curriculum, it is important for them to have the opportunity to learn new content and skills.   The philosophy of Hope’s Extended Learning Program (ELP) is to meet those needs in the regular classroom with support for the teacher by the ELP resource teacher.  In this way, the extended learning needs are seen to on a daily basis depending on the area of identification.  Children are identified according to their individual strengths, which can be general academic (all subjects), specific subject area(s), music and art.



Giftedness is asynchronous development in which, advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner-experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally (Columbus Group, 1991).


Program Description

Academic: With the support of the G/T Consultant, teachers will provide differentiation in the regular classroom for students identified for G/T services in ELA, math, science and social studies. In grades six through eight, identified math students will receive services in advanced math classes.

The Arts: Identified students in grades three-eight will receive pull out services, differentiation in the regular arts classrooms and opportunities beyond the classroom.


Identification Procedures  

Using test data, checklists, observations, performance and portfolios, a Data Summary will be compiled to demonstrate the need for G/T services. A selection committee considers each individual’s profile to determine the need for services in all or specific subject area(s). Parents will be informed of the selection committee decision, and classroom teachers will create learning plans. A G/T Consultant is available one day per week to support teachers in their planning for differentiated activities for identified students.


Identification Criteria

1.  Standardized test results over time (NWEA, MEA)

2.  SAGES II (Screening assessment for gifted elementary and middle school students) results

3.  Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics for Superior Students (SRBCSS) by teachers

4.  Parent checklists of behaviors

5.  Classroom observation

6.  Performance and/or portfolio


Learning Plan

The learning plan is intended to use a variety of resources available to provide challenging and engaging activities, when appropriate, in the regular classroom that are integrated with the standards-based curriculum and the Five Towns Graduation Standards. The program intends to provide opportunity and mobility through the use of project based learning to go beyond what is taught within the scope of the class. The students will learn to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will have opportunities to research areas of interest and present their results to a greater audience. The students who are placed in the math groups will have opportunities to solve higher-level problems and think critically. 


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